How can plastic netting benefit your garden?
Protecting Against Predators
Plastic netting is an essential and humane way to defend against predators that will destroy your crop. The size of the netting holes will depend on the creatures that are after your plant. Be it deer, birds rabbits and geese, the netting will make sure that they stay out. The plastic netting will even protect your garden from the family pet next door that wants to dig around. Plastic netting comes in various sizes and strengths so that you can rest easy at night knowing that some mischievous critter will not be eating your next harvest. Plastic netting is available online and in most garden/hardware stores. This style of netting is seen as a long-term, lightweight option for fencing and protection. It will not cause your plants any harm while installing the netting and it is also economical, easy to trim and easy to clean. Plastic netting is built for durability so that you can use it year after year to defend against anything that may come in your garden. Hence it is very cost effective as it can be used multiple times if it is utilized carefully and is kept safely after the usage.
How to Correctly Source Plastic Netting
When sourcing our plastic netting for your garden, there are a few things to consider.
One main thing to consider is the materials used in the netting. You are looking for something that is environmentally friendly, non toxic, non-corrosive and lightweight.
The next thing you should consider while looking for plastic netting are the creatures that are invading your garden. There are a variety of different sizes and colors that you can choose from. However, it all depends on your gardens specific needs. Are you using it to protect your pepper seeds so that can grow up beautiful and healthy away from birds or are you just looking to create a simple barrier for the pesky neighborhood cat? Plastic netting comes in different hole’s sizes, heights and widths. A trip down to your local hardware store or garden shop will let you see the netting in person so you can pick exactly what you need. However, if you know what you need, there are tons of shops online that can sell you exactly what you need when you need it. It is very important that you must find a reliable vendor to buy your plastic netting.
What in the World is a Shade House?
Plastic netting is used quite a bit in gardening. Defending against predators and building little walls around your garden is not the only thing that is good for. Another variety of plastic netting is shade netting. Here we are going to dig down further to know more about the shade netting.
Shade netting is a polyethene material that has UV stabilizers, is high strength, anti-ageing and can cover a large area. Shade netting is commonly used to build a shade house which is an area (usually quite large) covered with the netting to help control the environment and climate within the field of your choosing. A shade house is an alternative to a greenhouse and is still a walk in structure. The use of a shade house is great for security, producing high quality and high yield plants.
Due to the shade houses greenhouse nature and microclimates, they are perfect for starting seedlings and getting your indoor plants used to being outside. From the most delicate pepper seeds to the heartier tomato, a shade house will provide the climate, safety and the perfect level of shade that all your plants need to start their journey.
Shade netting ranges from 45%-99% shade rate so that your shade house has the ideal level of sun. There are kits online that you can find to help you build your shade house if you are not the type of person to “Do it yourself”. They range a bit on the more expensive side of things. However, they are an excellent investment for those who are dedicated gardeners. A shade house will give you everything you need in one small (or quite large) structure.
So, how does This All Mesh Together?
Plastic netting is an alternative way to protect against any larger animals that could be harmful to your garden. From rabbits to deer, it can help protect them all It comes in a variety of sizes, colors and heights to suit your needs. It is readily available at most local hardware stores, and there is a large number of online stores that can sell you the product you need. However, you have to be careful when sourcing your netting. You want something that is environmentally friendly and non-corrosive. This style of netting is easily cleaned and can last a couple of seasons so you don’t have to worry about purchasing it again next year.
Plastic netting can also be used to create a shade house.
A shade house is a big or small structure that is similar to a greenhouse. It has its little climate, and the plastic netting used to create the house ranges from 45%-99% shade giving you the perfect combination of shade and sunlight to create precisely what you need. Be accurate and very specific when you do the installations of any of type of nettings.
Here is the conclusion of our discussion
All in all, plastic netting and shade houses can and should be used in your garden. They are the perfect materials to protect and nurture your crops. Luckily, plastic netting is an economical protection method. It will serve you for years to come with proper care and cleaning. Your plastic netting fence will not be a letdown no matter what you intend on using it for.