Use of plastic netting to keep unwanted pests of all sizes from crop
Plastic netting and mesh have been used by gardeners, farmers, and horticulturists for over a century. This multipurpose webbing can be purchased in assorted sizes and densities depending on the reasons behind the need. For most cultivators, plastic netting is for the enhancement of growing healthy crops by keeping unwanted pests of all sizes from crops, protecting crops from harsh elements, and being UV and chemical resilience for long term use and affordability.
A favorite crop for all farmers are tomatoes, mainly because of the many varieties; however, with tomato growing special agricultural needs beyond just netting will be needed for optimum production. Tomato farmers will also want to know the differences and benefits between using tomato raffia twine and the mechanics of tutoring tomatoes to ensure premium fruit.
Benefits of Plastic Netting in Gardens
The largest corruption and calamity that all green-thumbs from the average house-wife to the head herbalist and Midwest farmer know and suffer from are the critters that invade one’s garden of delight. Hours have been spent to nurture and ensure the thriving of the perfect healthy crop, and overnight, all sizes and species of the animal kingdom can wage a food fight upon your source of food and income. Bugs and insects will enjoy root systems, leaves and berries. Birds sweep in with an aerial arsenal stealing from above, and even Bambi is an enemy when it comes to foraging away entire crops. To effectively, yet humanely combat these none-the-wiser adversaries, plastic netting including: garden netting, deer fence netting, and anti-bird netting are cost effectively employed as a role in growing healthy crops.
The second most damaging feature to any healthy crop is the dangers of unruly weather elements. Like children, one never knows, when the sun, the rain, or the wind might decide to act out and have a temper tantrum against Mother Nature. The sun may decide to scorch the earth with burning temperatures designed to fry the crops into dehydrated blends. Rain might not have gotten her way that afternoon and decides to cry for hours, pouring hours of flood waters upon the ground, threatening to loosen the soil around the precious plants.
Lastly, mighty wind, always so feisty and temperamental, blows up out of control, and there is no telling what direction she will try to rip at the earth, pulling things up at their roots in her wake. If it weren’t for plastic nets many plants would not have the physical support they need to withstand the abuse they suffer under the effects of the elements. Both rigid and stretch nets are perfect selections for crop protection and plant support. Most wind protective fences have mesh holes that reduce the speed of the wind thus reducing the likelihood of erosion.
Methods for growing tomatoes
There is a secret science and art to growing perfect tomatoes. Whether one is trying to perfect the giant Beefsteak with its hearty and robust juices that explode like the Fourth of July, or you want a bundle of mouth popping grape tomatoes, fun delights to throw in the air and catch in your mouth like popcorn, and instead of a mouth of grease, you chomp down into a bursting of juices spraying into your mouth that instantly makes you grin; no matter which variety, tomatoes are a tricky brood to breed. Tomatoes are the Goldilocks of the fruit and vegetable agricultural world. The growing conditions can’t be too hot, or too cold. They can’t receive too much water, or let go thirsty. They can’t have too much room, or be cramped. Like our little girl, everything in their environmental developmental stages has to be “just right” to obtain the perfect tomato that receives all the right amounts of nutrients, comfort, education and growing room.
In the past, farmers and agriculturists would grow their tomatoes using a traditional and conventional method of tying tomato plants to stakes or posts using agricultural twine or tomato raffia twine, a synthetic or natural fiber twine. The purpose of this was to provide support for the weight of the often-top-heavy plant as it spread out; as it grew more twine was added. However, studies showed that this method was stressful and added unnecessary pathogens to the plants and so alternative methods were sought out.
Plastic netting is the nurturing support system
Although, in recent years, the method of high wire tomato crops has become a huge trend, and indeterminate seeds started spouting up and being grown in greenhouses. The nutritional indeterminate tomato plant is trained or tutored to grow vertically on the raffia twine from the ceiling and is allowed to extend itself and grow to its full potential.
Outdoor farmers, though, have turned to the alternative and superior method of support plastic netting. Vertically laid, plastic trellis netting delivers the propping, foundation, and support that one’s tomato plant needs at all stages of life. Much like the Sphinx’s riddle, it provides support for the four-legged baby, the growing two-legged man, and the elder three-legged old plant. The plastic netting is the nurturing support system for all the tomato plants.
Value Incentive
Finally, investors in these products are often covering large tracks of land, and they want to satisfy and please their loving significant others by certifying the longevity of this multipurpose guardian of the garden. Thankfully, one can rest assured knowing that plastic netting of the caliber of windbreak netting, deer netting, anti-bird netting, and garden netting are all UV stabilized and chemical resistant. Plastic netting will protect all crops: the ones in a high wire greenhouse being tutored on how to grow big and strong or the ones methodically planted in perfectly lined rows going through the stages of its life.
Plastic netting has all the qualities that meet the needs of all investors, farmers, and growers in the horticulture world. It is an important feature and investment for anyone who wants to have a successful and healthy garden.